"Our Skills-ID learning solutions from The Learning Nuggets Academy provide organisations such as yours with expert-created and curated learning and knowledge for individual members, your teams, and the business at large


With just-in-time (JIT) leaning, accessible at the point and time of need and interactive digital learning covering all the areas that will shape your future, our learning solutions include the latest digital technologies and trends, artificial intelligence, data, machine learning, security, operations, UX design, gamification, virtual and augmented reality.


Are you responsible for talent management and people development in your organisation?  Talk to us.  We can assist you with solutions for mapping and analysing your organisation's skills requirements, track skills employees want and need, and provide you with insights on you organisation's skills position.


We also focus on personal development skills, leadership, and key sector know-how and learning for health, finance, agribusiness, marketing, and more.



We partner with you to bring quality interactive learning for individuals, your teams and business as a whole.




Build career-advancing skills with live online training courses and on-demand.

•Learn the way you learn best through books, videos, interactive tutorials, or live online classes.

•Explore topics from Python to data science to management, personal skills and leadership.

•Access tools for managing your learning, including scheduling, document management, forums and more, and create your learning networks.



Stay ahead with content for every skill level and in every format your team needs.

•Solve problems on the fly with on-demand learning.

•Build skills from the ground up with sequential learning.

•Access our learning support environment for creating learning networks and forums, ideas sharing, live lectures and webinars, task management and more.



Meet the needs of all learners with interactive learning, live online training courses, ebooks, intelligence, videos, and more.

•Get the information your employees need, from innovation and technology developments, marketing and business leadership.

•Integrate with the tools your teams already use.



Our Skills-ID solutions are perfect for your needs

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Are you shortlisting organisations for your RFP?  We are interested! 


If you’re looking for a comprehensive learning solution to help your organisation achieve it's training, upskilling and reskiling goals,  we’d like to throw our hat in the ring.  We have helped international organisations with their learning strategies, solutions selection,  development, implementation and management of their learning processes. 


We are ready to provide you with all the relevant information you need to confidently include us in your RFP. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your workforce.


Complete the form and let's discuss how we can support your organisation and your teams